Scotch: Popular Today, Popular Tomorrow.
In today’s world of clubs and young drinkers, fine Scotch often falls by the wayside. A much more sophisticated drink, Scotch is popular with older, more mature drinkers. Will this classic favorite eventually die out to all the pretty drinks served up in coconut shells with pretty pink umbrellas? The answer is probably not. Although Scotch on the rocks, is getting to be more and more unpopular among the bar drinkers, there are mixed drinks that feature fine Scotch with fun names that appeal to the younger crowd.
Drinks like the rusty nail which features Scotch and Drambuie or the Scotch happy sour which features Scotch and cherry flavored brandy are fun drinks that the twenty-something’s love to order. It is the unique taste of fine Scotch that sets it apart from the fad drinks that are all the rage today. There are a multitude of these kinds of mixed drinks, but to the true connoisseurs of fine whiskey, a cold scotch on the rocks is the only way to enjoy a fine scotch.
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