“Looking for the Job that is right for you”
Finding the best job that suits your personality and your lifestyle is never easy. It’s actually a full time job itself. To better understand your needs and increase your chance of succeeding in your chosen field, you need to conduct a personal evaluation. Is this the career you want? Is there room for growth? Are the salary and benefits good?
You can’t really evaluate a position unless you do the research. From a recent survey in the U.S., graduate degree holders earn an average of 35 to 50 percent more than just bachelor’s degree holders. This is a reason why more and more are taking their Masters. There could be an offer or two, all you have to do is make a concrete decision to ensure the right job for you in the present job market.
Know what you want
Knowing what kind of personality you have and your interests gives you an idea how you would like to spend your day on a job. The activities you’d like to get involved in plays a great role in keeping you motivated. You could make a list of the kinds of people you would like to be working with. Say, people who like being told what to do or authoritative types; how about loud people or quiet types; and would you like a place where people love socializing or not? There are different sizes of companies as well, there are small, medium, large, overseas, local, and regional.
The Internet is a valuable tool that assists online job seekers in looking for a job they could fit in. Trim down the choices depending on your needs and wants to get the more possible pool of companies you can try submitting resumes.
Below are the common job search techniques:
Percentage of
Job hunters Search Technique Effectiveness
66.0% Direct application 47.71%
50.8 Referral from friends’ work 22.1
41.8 Asking friends from other places 11.9
28.4 Asking family about the company
they work for 19.3
27.3 Asking relatives about jobs from
other places 7.4
45.9 Newspaper posts 23.9
21.0 Career centers 24.2
12.5 School organizations/clubs 21.4
15.3 Civil Service Exams 12.5
10.4 Referrals from mentors 12.1
1.6 Local ads 12.9
6.0 Cooperative programs 22.2
*Percentage results obtained from dividing the technique by the total number of job hunters who tried to use the method, successful or not.
Your major strengths and weaknesses will help indicate how well you will perform in the work you have chosen. Your progress dictates your maturity and enthusiasm at work. Finding the best job for you is a full time job itself. It requires time and passion to get positive results. No matter what you choose, it should always be a place where you can identify yourself and remain happy.