Detoxification: 8 Starter Tips
Before you plunge right into just any cleansing technique, here are some general tips that you must first consider.
detox, detoxify your body, detoxification, detoxify
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You have been experiencing frequent headaches, weight gain, constipation and skin problems, amongst a whole host of health problems. And you are pretty convinced that some of these problems are due to a diet of high in saturated fats, environmental pollution and a stressful lifestyle.
These factors have inadvertently contributed to a toxin build-up in your body and you would like to cleanse your body through a detox program.
But before you plunge right into just any cleansing technique, here are some general tips that you must first consider:
1. Start with a cleansing technique that is not too drastic or extreme for your present condition.
2. On the other hand, do not choose a technique that is too mild and would therefore be ineffective. You can always start with a gentle cleansing program but build it up gradually.
3. If you are a female, do not detoxify when you are pregnant or having your period.
4. Always budget enough time for the cleansing process to take place. For instance, in a bowel cleanse, you may have to allow about 4 hours for purging to take place.
5. Do not rush into a cleansing technique. As in the above example, during the 4 hours, plan to take things slowly. No heavy tasks! Be near a toilet if necessary.
6. Before starting on cleansing, make sure you go through all instructions and have all the foods necessary for your detoxification. You don't want to have to rush out to the supermarket in the middle of a cleanse.
7. Work closely with a trained health practitioner, giving him or her full details of the health problems that you are facing.
8. Very importantly, decide with your health practitioner the order in which you should cleanse your body. Cleansing of the different parts of the body can include colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, lung cleansing and skin cleansing. The right order will result in a more effective and complete detoxification for your body.