Online Shopping For Used Items Online shopping for used items is quickly becoming a fashionable alternative to frequenting garage sales or browsing through thrift stores. Using the Internet to shop for used items can not only save the consumer a great deal of money but can also help the consumer to find used items which are difficult to find. This article will provide useful information for shopping for used items on websites such as Craigslist and eBay as well as information for properly evaluating used items available for purchase online. Shopping on Craigslist Craigslist is one of the very popular websites for online shoppers who are seeking used items. This is a website which is divided by city and allows users to post descriptions and photos of items they are offering for sale. Visitors to Craigslist can either search for items available for sale in their own city or they can opt to search for items available in other cities as well. However, many online shoppers opt to search for items in their own city simply because they can avoid shipping charges this way. Many users selling an item on Craigslist will either meet the buyer at a public location to exchange the item for the previously agreed upon fee or will enable the buyer to come to their home to pick up the item. However, users who opt to purchase an item from another city will likely be responsible for paying any shipping and insurance charges associated with having the item shipped. Online shoppers are advised to exercise caution when picking up an item purchased on Craigslist. Although the majority of users are honest, there may be the potential for harmful individuals who also use the site. Agreeing to meet the buyer in a public location and bringing along a friend are both recommended. Shopping on eBay The shopping experience available on eBay is somewhat difference than the experience of shopping for used items available on other websites. The major difference is eBay is an auction website. This means the consumers must bid against other website users for items they wish to purchase. There are some items posted on eBay which are available for immediate purchase but the majority of postings utilize the auction process. Through the auction process registered users can search through the available listings to find items on which they would like to bid. Once these items are found, the users enter a maximum amount they are willing to pay for the item and bids are placed automatically for the user until the maximum is reached. Once the maximum bid is reached the user may opt to raise the bid if another user outbids him. Items up for auction have a set ending time and the highest bid at the conclusion of the bidding period wins the item. After this the user must pay for the item and the seller ships the item to the user. Evaluating Used Items Online Shoppers at garage sales and thrift stores are able to carefully examine used items before making a purchase. This can give the shopper a good indication of the condition of the item. However, when shopping online for used items, the shopper does not have the ability to carefully examine the item. Therefore the buyer must rely on pictures and descriptions provided by the seller to evaluate the quality, condition and authenticity of the item. If the photos and descriptions provided are not adequate for this purpose the shopper should ask for additional photos or information as necessary. PPPPP Word count 591